FEATURING KATHARINE TRENDACOSTA – An Appeals court has upheld parts of the controversial decision by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to overturn Obama-era “net neutrality” rules. But, in its ruling the court also said that the FCC cannot impose limits on states to maintain their own net neutrality rules.  Still FCC Chair Ajit Pai, who...

FEATURING KATHARINE TRENDACOSTA – An Appeals court has upheld parts of the controversial decision by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to overturn Obama-era “net neutrality” rules. But, in its ruling the court also said that the FCC cannot impose limits on states to maintain their own net neutrality rules. 

Still FCC Chair Ajit Pai, who has singularly pushed to overturn net neutrality, cast the decision as a major victory. He wrote on Twitter that the ruling was, “a big victory for consumers,” and that “The court affirmed the FCC’s decision to repeal 1930s utility-style regulation of the Internet.” 

But what did the 200-page court decision actually say and is it really a victory for Mr. Pai?

Take action by visiting www.act.eff.org.

Katharine Trendacosta, Manager of Policy and Activism at the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

* This segment was originally broadcast on October 2, 2019.