FEATURING REMINGTON A. GREGG – As US coronavirus deaths edge closer to 100,000, President Trump spent the weekend golfing. The federal government released its strategic national plan on how to tackle the pandemic – a secret document that was more of a report on what states were already doing rather than an actual plan. And,...

FEATURING REMINGTON A. GREGG – As US coronavirus deaths edge closer to 100,000, President Trump spent the weekend golfing. The federal government released its strategic national plan on how to tackle the pandemic – a secret document that was more of a report on what states were already doing rather than an actual plan. And, White House economic adviser Kevin Hassett in an interview on CNN referred to workers as “human capital stock.” 

All indications from the Trump Administration to American workers is that there is little concern over their welfare as many are forced to return to work with few assurances for their health and safety. It is no wonder that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has received nearly 15,000 coronavirus-related complaints from workers around the country.

Remington A. Gregg, Counsel for Civil Justice and Consumer Rights at Public Citizen.

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