FEATURING JOHN B. JUDIS – The coronavirus pandemic exposed the fault lines of capitalism like no other crisis in recent memory, prompting millions of Americans to reevaluate the role of government as prioritizing public wellbeing. But already there was a growing movement afoot in the U.S. of democratic socialism as symbolized in the presidential candidacy...

FEATURING JOHN B. JUDIS – The coronavirus pandemic exposed the fault lines of capitalism like no other crisis in recent memory, prompting millions of Americans to reevaluate the role of government as prioritizing public wellbeing. But already there was a growing movement afoot in the U.S. of democratic socialism as symbolized in the presidential candidacy of Senator Bernie Sanders and the election to Congress of young openly socialist lawmakers. Writing a new book about this moment is my guest John Judis. 

John B. Judis, an editor at large at Talking Points Memo. He writes for The New Republic, The American Prospect, and more and is the author  of The Socialist Awakening: What’s Different Now About the Left.

** This segment originally aired on December 1, 2020.

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