FEATURING DR. MANUEL PASTOR – Racial disparities in Covid-19 infections and deaths are stark especially for black and brown communities. Now, even as the Republican Party seeks to downplay the pandemic or act as though it is in the past, disturbing statistics show that it continues to ravage communities of color. Today we’ll focus on...

FEATURING DR. MANUEL PASTOR – Racial disparities in Covid-19 infections and deaths are stark especially for black and brown communities. Now, even as the Republican Party seeks to downplay the pandemic or act as though it is in the past, disturbing statistics show that it continues to ravage communities of color. Today we’ll focus on Latinos in the US who, like Black Americans are disproportionately impacted. In the state of California, which has the largest Latino population in the nation, this demographic is particularly hard hit. A new UCLA study found that virus-related deaths among working age Latino adults in California had multiplied disturbingly. Key to this grim conclusion is that Latinos are disproportionately represented in essential work forces and face higher rates of exposure. 

Dr. Manuel Pastor is the Director of USC’s Equity Research Institute and member of Governor Gavin Newsom’s Task Force on Business and Jobs Recovery, tasked with ensuring statewide COVID recovery plans prioritize economic and racial equity.

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