FEATURING DAVID FARIS – There are currently about 47 million 18-to-29 year olds in the US who are eligible to vote in November’s general election. Of those, 15 million turned 18 since the 2016 election. For Republicans these numbers spell doom given that young voters are trending to the left and likely to pick the...

FEATURING DAVID FARIS – There are currently about 47 million 18-to-29 year olds in the US who are eligible to vote in November’s general election. Of those, 15 million turned 18 since the 2016 election. For Republicans these numbers spell doom given that young voters are trending to the left and likely to pick the liberal party over the conservative one. 

According to my guest David Faris in his new book, The Kids Are All Left, “The basic dynamic [ahead of November] is a Republican Party increasingly dominated by and aligned with a dying white demographic and a Democratic Party that is not exactly beloved but is grudgingly supported come election time by overwhelming majorities of young people who haven’t yet voted in numbers sufficient enough to make anyone take notice.”

David Faris, is the author of It’s Time To Fight Dirty and Dissent and Revolution in a Digital Age. He is a regular contributor to The Week and an associate professor of political science at Roosevelt University in Chicago. His latest book is called The Kids Are All Left: How Young Voters Will Unite America.

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