Every day when you tune into Rising Up With Sonali at 4 pm weekdays here on KPFK, you learn something new, something that may generate outrage or hope, provoke thoughtfulness, or inspire action. Our goal on this show is to inform you of what’s happening in the world so you don’t have to sift through...

Every day when you tune into Rising Up With Sonali at 4 pm weekdays here on KPFK, you learn something new, something that may generate outrage or hope, provoke thoughtfulness, or inspire action. Our goal on this show is to inform you of what’s happening in the world so you don’t have to sift through dozens of newspapers every day to distill the important news. But we also strive to expose abuses by powerful elites and fulfil the old journalistic adage – to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable. KPFK makes this show possible – on a shoe-string budget – achieving similar quality to what you might expect from a major outlet, but without any of the pro-corporate, pro-government spin. That’s worth a lot – I hope it’s worth $25, $50, or $100 dollars in donations from you at 818-985-5735 or at kpfk.org. Give whatever you can – it might be as little as $5 or as much as $1000. Call 818-985-5735 or donate online at kpfk.org to Support Fearless Radio.