Every Wednesday afternoon for more than 2 years activists with Black Lives Matter have gathered in downtown Los Angeles to demand that District Attorney Jackie Lacey prosecute police officers involved in killings. Tired of her refusal to take action against even a single officer out of the hundreds that have killed, BLM-LA has demanded she...

Every Wednesday afternoon for more than 2 years activists with Black Lives Matter have gathered in downtown Los Angeles to demand that District Attorney Jackie Lacey prosecute police officers involved in killings. Tired of her refusal to take action against even a single officer out of the hundreds that have killed, BLM-LA has demanded she step down and organized against her reelection. Since the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, LA like other cities around the nation have seen a massive expression of protest against police brutality and the weekly BLM-LA actions have taken on a new significance. The Rising Up crew masked up and headed to downtown LA this week to bring you a special report.