FEATURING STEPHEN KINZER – The story of one man’s relentless pursuit of mind control through the CIA’s secret program MK Ultra might immediately be dismissed as conspiracy theory. But Sidney Gottleib was a real person and was at the center of a story that defies the boundary between fiction and non-fiction. Gottlieb’s oversight of a...

FEATURING STEPHEN KINZER – The story of one man’s relentless pursuit of mind control through the CIA’s secret program MK Ultra might immediately be dismissed as conspiracy theory. But Sidney Gottleib was a real person and was at the center of a story that defies the boundary between fiction and non-fiction. Gottlieb’s oversight of a secret government mind-control program is the focus of a new book by the acclaimed journalist and author Stephen Kinzer.  

Stephen Kinzer is the author of nine books, including The True Flag, The Brothers, Overthrow, and All the Shah’s Men. An award-winning foreign correspondent, he served as the New York Times bureau chief in Nicaragua, Germany, and Turkey. He is a senior fellow at the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs at Brown University and writes a world affairs column for the Boston Globe. His latest book is Poisoner in Chief: Sidney Gottlieb and the CIA Search for Mind Control.

**This segment was originally broadcast on September 19, 2019.