Rising Up With Sonali will be broadcasting a live Election 2020 streaming video special show onTuesday November 3rd from 3-5 pm PST (6-8 pm EST).   Confirmed guests include The Nation’s Sasha Abramsky, Judith LeBlanc, Director of Native Organizers Alliance, Dr. Laura Gomez author of Inventing Latinos, Brett Wilkins staff writer at Commondreams, Zahra Billoo...

Rising Up With Sonali will be broadcasting a live Election 2020 streaming video special show onTuesday November 3rd from 3-5 pm PST (6-8 pm EST).
Confirmed guests include The Nation’s Sasha Abramsky, Judith LeBlanc, Director of Native Organizers Alliance, Dr. Laura Gomez author of Inventing Latinos, Brett Wilkins staff writer at Commondreams, Zahra Billoo of CAIR, Rahul Mahajan, Foreign Affairs professor in Wisconsin, Melina Abdullah with Black Lives Matter, Los Angeles and Michael Latner, senior fellow at the Center for Science and Democracy at the Union of Concerned Scientists.