FEATURING CAROLINE HENDERSON – This year’s global gathering of world elites in Davos, Switzerland brought new and urgent attention to climate change. The World Economic Forum attracts heads of state and corporate leaders each January to discuss the state of the world economy. This year hopes were high as the WEF annual Global Risks Report...

FEATURING CAROLINE HENDERSON – This year’s global gathering of world elites in Davos, Switzerland brought new and urgent attention to climate change. The World Economic Forum attracts heads of state and corporate leaders each January to discuss the state of the world economy. This year hopes were high as the WEF annual Global Risks Report prioritized the impacts of climate change. But, with moneyed interests dominating the gathering, there was little action behind the rhetoric. 

To read the report ‘It’s the Finance Sector, Stupid,’ visit www.worldeconomicfailure.com and stopthemoneypipeline.com.

Caroline Henderson, Senior Climate Campaigner for Greenpeace.

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