Several elite college campuses such as those of Columbia University, New York University, Harvard and Yale were closed on Monday following major protest actions in support of Palestinian rights and against Israel’s on-going genocide in Gaza.

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FEATURING SHANA L. REDMOND - Several elite college campuses such as those of Columbia University, New York University, Harvard and Yale were closed on Monday following major protest actions in support of Palestinian rights and against Israel’s on-going genocide in Gaza. This comes days after more than a 100 activists at an encampment were arrested at Columbia. 

Protesters have been vilified as antisemitic even though they include sizeable numbers of Jewish students. Many of those students joined in a seder at the Columbia encampment to mark Passover on Monday. Similar encampments have cropped up at college campuses across the United States. 

Meanwhile, news emerged of the discovery of a mass grave containing more than 300 bodies in southern Gaza, lending even greater credibility to genocide accusations against Israel. The United Nations reported that victims were found stripped naked with their hands tied.