FEATURING LARRY TYE – Many of us have heard the word “McCarthyism.” But do we know where it came from? Knowing the history of how a junior Senator from Wisconsin led one of the most traumatic political witch hunts in modern American history is a critical lesson for the Presidency of Donald Trump.  Telling the...

FEATURING LARRY TYE – Many of us have heard the word “McCarthyism.” But do we know where it came from? Knowing the history of how a junior Senator from Wisconsin led one of the most traumatic political witch hunts in modern American history is a critical lesson for the Presidency of Donald Trump. 

Telling the story of Senator Joe McCarthy and his crusade against “communists” at the height of The Cold War is best-selling author Larry Tye.  

Larry Tye, best selling author of Bobby Kennedy and Satchel, as well as Super-man, The Father of Spin, Home Lands, and Rising from the Rails. He was an award winning reporter at the Boston Globe and a Nieman Fellow at Harvard University. His new book is called Demagogue: The Life and Long Shadow of Senator Joe McCarthy.

**This interview was originally broadcast on July 14, 2020.