FEATURING MARJORIE COHN – President Donald Trump for months has been laying the ground work to contest the election results in November making clear that he would not accept defeat under any circumstances. His campaign has openly referred to his supporters as an “army,” and sent mailers to “patriots” promising that they can join the...

FEATURING MARJORIE COHN – President Donald Trump for months has been laying the ground work to contest the election results in November making clear that he would not accept defeat under any circumstances. His campaign has openly referred to his supporters as an “army,” and sent mailers to “patriots” promising that they can join the “Trump army” in exchange for a donation and the prize of a camouflage hat.  

But now with his Covid-19 diagnosis Trump’s plans to steal the election may be thwarted. Still, his signaling to the Proud Boys hate group of armed men is a troubling sign that he may be willing to unleash paramilitary forces onto Democratic Party supporters in order to retain power.

Rear her latest piece called ‘Trump Needs Accomplices at Every Level of Government to Pull Off a Coup,’ HERE.

Marjorie Cohn, professor emerita at the Thomas Jefferson School of Law, and a writer for Truthout

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