FEATURING SARAH ANDERSON – A week after Vermont Senator and Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders unveiled his ambitious plan to tax billionaires, he has proposed a new plan to tackle the growing wage gap between corporate CEOs and their workers. Explaining on his website that, “In the 1950s, CEOs made 20 times more than their median...

FEATURING SARAH ANDERSON – A week after Vermont Senator and Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders unveiled his ambitious plan to tax billionaires, he has proposed a new plan to tackle the growing wage gap between corporate CEOs and their workers. Explaining on his website that, “In the 1950s, CEOs made 20 times more than their median employees,” and that, “Last year, the average S&P 500 CEO made 287 times their median worker pay,” Sanders wants to tax those corporations for widening their CEO-worker pay gap. 

The proposal comes on the same day that the Institute for Policy Studies released its 26th Executive Excess report, a yearly report on the CEO-worker pay gap.

Read the IPS report HERE.

Sarah Anderson, Director of the Global Economy Project and Co-editor of Inequality.org at the Institute for Policy Studies.

**This segment was originally broadcast on September 30, 2019.