Rising Tide: A MCU Podcast - Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Sea4 Ep2 [Meet The New Boss]

In our second episode we cover the good and the mostly bad about Season 4 of agents and with our Legal Eagle Nate Wolfe back on the show, he's delivering all those heavy hadnded plot points wikipedia can't even do with his encylopedic knowlege of the Marvel Universe! Come join Tim, Adam, Nate and Jessica for another rousing clustercluck of MCU goodness!

We will dive into all the goodies related to the apearance of GHOST RIDER! WOOT! Sneak hint, he was awesome come join in on the fun!

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Also remember to buy my book “The Citadel: Arrival by Tim K.A. Trotter” availible right now on Amazon Kindle store & iTunes iBookstore for only $2.99 get a book support this show! FREE Previews are available for both markets!

If You’d like to connect with Tim socially check all these out!

Tim K.A. Trotter’s Youtube ID: Dynamicworksproductions
Tim K.A. Trotter’s Twitter ID: Tim_T
Tim K.A. Trotter’s Twitch ID: Tim_KA_Trotter
Tim K.A. Trotter’s PSN ID: Linuxisthedemon
Tim K.A. Trotter’s XBL ID: Tim T

Want more podcasts from us? Check out our BRAND NEW PODCAST Agents of The Nine: A Destiny Podcast
iTunes Podcast Store Link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/dynamic-works-productions/id703318918?mt=2&i=319887887

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