Rising Tide: A MCU Podcast - Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Sea3 Ep20, 21 & 22 [Emancipation, Absolution & Ascention]

First off. Totally 100% sorry for the delay, got caught up in this 722 mile road trip to hopefully find some loving (Tim here BTW) I'm actually writing this in a inn somewhere in Lake Tahoe. Hopefully I can upload this on the worst internet ever. So if you get it. So sorry for the delay. We wanted to make our finale a good one with the three of us as opposed to giving you quick and dirty ones with me and Nate I think we got that here. So enjoy our Season Finale of Agents of SHIELD PODCAST!!!

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Also remember to buy my book “The Citadel: Arrival by Tim K.A. Trotter” availible right now on Amazon Kindle store & iTunes iBookstore for only $2.99 get a book support this show! FREE Previews are available for both markets!

If You’d like to connect with Tim socially check all these out!

Tim K.A. Trotter’s Youtube ID: Dynamicworksproductions
Tim K.A. Trotter’s Twitter ID: Tim_T
Tim K.A. Trotter’s Twitch ID: Tim_KA_Trotter
Tim K.A. Trotter’s PSN ID: Linuxisthedemon
Tim K.A. Trotter’s XBL ID: Tim T

Want more podcasts from us? Check out our BRAND NEW PODCAST Agents of The Nine: A Destiny Podcast
iTunes Podcast Store Link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/dynamic-works-productions/id703318918?mt=2&i=319887887

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