It's the Deadpool MOVIE (. )( .) Spoiler_casT BITCHES!

Hey lookie. Its a show. You probably stole from teh internets about that handsome handsome man Deadpool. In his new movie. If your looking for a Spoiler Cast from a buncha useless hacks and dicknoodles from that Rising Tide crew then your WRONG I've replace them all with shadow puppets. Four Fingered shadow puppets. Ran by Chinese/Black/Jewish guys. So you know. You can't say it's racist if we have some from every Crayon.

BTW boobs are great. All hail our Amazon Hydra MegaCorp overlords. Oh and don't buy any of's shit. Its... well stinky. Like a week old Chimy. Oh man... I need to find that one. And eat it.