So, here's a quickly cobbled-together Christmas episode I recorded after being sick for a week.*

I say a few words about Dickens, "A Christmas Carol," and ask Fake Sean to join me in the holiday.  I'd assure you that, had I not gotten sick, this episode would be a lot better . . . but I think you and I both know that isn't true.

Go ahead and download the episode HERE.

I tried (and tried, and tried) to do a video portion of this episode, and could never quite get the hang of it.  But I did sit down and edit my little excerpt as best I could, if you'd like to see how that went.

Oh, and here's a link to my Scrooge-related story "The Present of the Christmas Ghost."

*Basically, I messed up (again), and got myself behind schedule.  So, we'll run with this episode this week, next week's episode next week, and last week's episode the week after that.  And THEN, we'll get to that show that got bumped in October.  Maybe.