As threatened in my episode "What A Stupid Concept,"*
here is my haunted bed and breakfast story, "True Ghost Encounter." 
Judson writes on a blog about brushes with the supernatural, and
stumbles upon the Old Faithful of Haunted Houses up in Idaho.

the first story in the proposed "Dead & Breakfast" anthology. 
Let me know if you too have an Ghost Encounter to share.

If the spirits beseech you to download the episode directly, just Right-Click HERE.

If the spirits inspire you to support me on Patreon, just Left-Click HERE.

If the spirits attack you . . . just sing a happy song?

Logo by Gino "The Spirit Is Willing" Moretto.

Music by the incomparable Kevin McLeod of

can listen to that episode if you want to know more about the
background, frustration, and ultimate goals in writing this story.