Moms celebrate Father’s Day with a variety of feelings. Some are incredibly grateful for their husband’s leadership, hands-on help, sacrificial love, and wisdom with child-rearing. But others feel the pain of disappointment, and aren’t sure how to reconcile their expectations with their reality. In this episode, Emily and Laura interview Jerrad Lopes, host of the weekly DadTired podcast and founder of the non-profit ministry, aimed at pointing men to Jesus. Jerrad tackles some of the most frequently-asked-questions Risen Motherhood receives about supporting husbands spiritually, with “from his perspective” insights and practical ideas. Because of Christ’s example, moms are free to love and support Dad, right where he’s at.

Articles & Resources:

Dad Tired Website/Podcast-Jerrad Lopes  Stop Behaving: A Gospel-Centered Devotional for Men-Dad Tired When Dad Doesn't Disciple the Kids-Jen Wilkin More From Risen Motherhood: How Mom Can Help Dad Invest in the Family's Faith- RM Episode 14 Putting Your Marriage First: Give Him More than the Leftovers- RM Episode 35 When Littles Make You Want to Check Out in Marriage- RM Blog Pray Before You Speak: Tips for Lovingly Approaching Your Husband with Your Hurts- RM Blog

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