Previous Episode: Ep. 36- Q&A #4- Check-ins
Next Episode: Ep. 38- Boundary Basics

Becky, Tiffany, Autumn, and Becky’s husband, Richard, sit down to discuss separations. Separations are often used when there’s been a boundary violation, or simply to give one another space to breathe and reset. They can help with bottom lines and boundaries, and can be used to save the marriage, not always as a step toward divorce. The hosts agreed that there’s a lot of surrender in the separation process—prayer and discerning our intentions can help. Richard explains that, although the separation was incredibly hard for him, he experienced many ways it helped him, including ways he didn’t even know he needed.  Ultimately, the decision to separate can be hard, but, as with everything in recovery, no therapist or friend should tell you what to do. “Take it to God. He will guide you to what the right step is for you.”