Jason Clarke - James - July 5

Recent life has felt out of control for many of us. We search for ways to feel like we have some control - through social media, through eating, through video games, through things that give us immediate gratification that we can cling to. But the truth is that people are hungry for something solid and real; they want to follow a steadfast voice.

How can we possibly be a steadfast people during suffering and chaos?

The answer is simple: Prayer. It is through connecting with the actual presence of God and connecting with His people. Join us as we learn about the words James gave the early church about how prayer can change us.

JOIN THE CONVERSATION! To engage in the live chat during the service OR jump in mid-week CLICK HERE and start communicating directly with anyone participating in church at home! New, veteran, and visitors are invited to join the conversation. It's also a space to engage in relationship throughout the week! We may be isolated, but we don't have to be alone - community matters, so jump in!