For over 40 years, Steve Ames hid behind his success as a real estate investor, presenting himself as a published author, a bilingual professor, and an extensive world-traveler. 

He didn’t want anyone to know what he had been through as a child. He didn’t want to remember living in a railroad car or being severely beaten by his dad or not being able to speak or hear or read until far beyond what was considered normal. 

Only a few years ago did he develop the courage to start sharing these stories. As he's told each one, he's begun to realize how empowering it is for him and how helpful it is for other people.

As you listen to his stories, keep in mind two things:

If you’re struggling with disadvantages or disabilities that seem impossible to overcome, you are not alone. If you have a child or a loved one who is struggling, there is hope. 

Where you came from doesn’t have to determine where you end up. It doesn’t matter where you came from. What matters is what you believe.