This is one of the most enlightening and energizing interviews I've done so far!

Here are just a few juicy quotes from Career Coach, Leslie A. Butler, M.S., C.P.C.:

"When someone contacts me, I listen to their story because that's where the clues are to how they're feeling and what they've been through, and then helping them to locate their heart through that process.

"They begin to remember who they are, remember what they are made to do, their gifts, their talents ...

"Let's look internally first ...

"The shift can happen so fast ...

"Instantly, as soon as you raise your vibration, as soon as you get your heart into a more joyful loving place, as soon as you get into a place of appreciation, then—immediately—what you start attracting changes, and there are infinite possibilities ...

"there are infinite positive opportunities ..."

Leslie has put together a resource for anyone seeking emergency help in this Covid-19 economy.

She has taken all of her done-for-you services and packaged them in a DIY format ...

and she's offering them for a limited time for those who are feeling stuck and struggling to find what they need to switch gears FAST—without the price tag of a career coach.


I can't wait for you to hear her talk about how to create your own meta-life shift.