“They say I'm old-fashioned, and live in the past, but sometimes I think progress progresses too fast!”
― Dr. Seuss

After being blessed to enjoy the privilege of DJing at Breakfast of Champions for so many friends that many of us now call family, it’s fun to reminisce about the days (and nights) of our previous adventures. The rain storm that blew away some of our tenting, the year we got to go on the top of the roof at Potrero Brewing Company, or the time when Clarkie lost both his DJ bag and his black sock. Unlike the push-me-pull-me of Dr. Seuss (a personal favorite character), Breakfast of Champions and the people that make it happen continue to evolve, progress, and change…

To wit, preparing to DJ at Breakfast of Champions should also be an evolving process for all of us that perform there. This past year, I architected a set kinda like a push-me-pull-me from Dr. Seuss, with ghetto breaks on the front and back, and a creamy middle of different sounds that might take some of you back in time just a bit. Sort of like new meets old meets new again. Or who I was and who I am. Because I do not like Green Eggs and Ham. I do not like them, Sam I Am.

Hope you enjoy, Shizzy.