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This week, we continue BoC 2021 recordings with the recording from j9 with an extra length smashing breaks mix!

Here's what j9 had to say about her mix:
"Although 2020 was a tough year in so many ways, it was incredibly transformative for me. I was able to concentrate on music more than ever before, which felt like a true gift. Living and breathing it everyday really came through in what I was able to bring to you, my amazing audience. I’ve made lots of new friends online and discovered so many talented producers. The music has been SO good!! I tried to faithfully reproduce the most exciting moments of my sets throughout the year. Closing out Breakfast of Champions is a big honor, and I hope that this set was uplifting and helped to start off 2021 in the best way, with lots of happiness and dancing and a big BANG! Enjoy my friends!
xo.. j9"

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