Continuing our features exploring talent around the country, this week we're pleased to welcome a special guest mix from Chicago-based Duke Shin, resident DJ at WYA (Where Ya At?) CHI, Housepit Chicago and Vocalo Radio. Here's what Duke had to say about the mix:

"My first encounter with Space Cowboys was on the playa in 2003. The theme that year was Beyond Belief, which is how I felt stumbling upon the mighty UNIMOG, deep playa, parked next to the Temple of Gravity--a 90 ton interactive sculpture featuring 5 gigantic stone slabs, mostly covered with happy climbing burners during the day. But this was latelate night, with a fire-pit underneath creating a warm shelter underneath the monolithic slabs, and a horde of dancers surrounding the UNIMOG and installation. I headed home for supplies and friends, and the sun was starting to rise as we pedaled back out. We found the UNIMOG by first hearing it, then zeroing-in on the cloud of dust from the dancers in that perfect Hi-RES-but-still-cool-on-the-playa magic hour of morning... you know it, yeah? Anyways, about this mix... new cuts and classic faves, from electro, techno, acid and house, perhaps a touch of breaks cuz RIPE. Thanks for listening!


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