Who is vulnerable? How do we help? Raleigh Sadler walks us through how we can look at our community and love our neighbor in need. Topics: - Who is the vulnerable? - How can the church help with the vulnerable around us? - Pentecost and the Holy Spirit: reversal of the Tower of Babel Guest: Raleigh Sadler - Director of "Let My People Go" Christian Ministry - Book Vulnerable: Rethinking Human Trafficking. - Website https://www.lmpgnetwork.org/contact - Giving https://www.aplos.com/aws/give/LetMyPeopleGoInc/general - Facebook https://www.instagram.com/lmpgnetwork/ - Instagram @lmpgnetwork - Twitter @lmpgnetwork Thank you: 1517.org proud member of the 1517 Podcast Network and thejaggedword.com Music: Joel Allen Hess - Fragile (Willing Virginia, on Spotify, iTunes, SoundCloud) Dead Horse One - I love my man