Andrew and Ross are in the Commentary studio, and they are ready bring you a very special series of matches, starting right now!

So let's get ready to fire up the WWE Network and go back to 1999! The date is March 28, the location is Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and it is WrestleMania XV, the Ragin' Climax! Yes, you guessed it, we are about to enjoy the first in a wonderful series of three WrestleMania matches between none other than Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock

In 3,2,1....


Thank you for listening, we hope you have enjoyed this. Don't forget, you still have time to vote in our prestigious RTB End of Year Awards and this year, we have polls for WWE and NXT!

WWE Poll:

NXT Poll:

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Ring The Bell, established in 2013, is hosted by Andrew and a selection of Ross, Ally and Martin. Thank you for listening and we hope you’ve enjoyed this episode. You can listen and/or subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts, Acast, Stitcher, Spotify or anywhere else you download your podcasts.

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