Who are the 24 elders of the book of Revelation?

Do they represent the church, the body of Christ, Israel or something else?

We are introduced to the 24 elders in Revelation Chapter 4. They are also mentioned in chapters 5, 7, 11,14 and 19.  It’s interesting that we read about the 24 elders nowhere else in the Bible. Which means that their identity should be obvious needing no explanation. 

The 24 elders are sitting on thrones before the Throne of God. For centuries believers have asked, "Who are the 24 Elders?"  What is the significance of the number 24? And, do they have any application to the church, the body of Christ?

The word “elders” is found 179 times in the King James Bible mostly referring Israel. The apostle Paul uses the term only twice in his epistles with reference to the local church, not heavenly places.

Church tradition holds that these 24 elders represent the church. If that is true then the number 24 should have some significance to us, the body of Christ. 
