Welcome to Episode Two of the Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth podcast.

Greetings, I'm your host, Dr. Paul Felter.

In these podcasts we put to practice the apostle Paul's command in 2nd Timothy 2:15

Study to show thyself approved of God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

The apostle Paul commands us to study and the proper method of study is rightly dividing.  In this podcast series you’ll learn how to rightly divide the word of truth, the Bible.  This will greatly enhance your understanding of scripture and answer many questions and concerns.

This episode has three segments:

1. A brief survey of the Old Testament through right division.
2. The Gospels, Matthew through John rightly divided.
3. The three aspects of Scriptural Application.

An integral part of understanding Right Division is to see God’s timeline from Genesis to Revelation in chart format.  

Visit my website, BreadofLife.media for a FREE rightly dividing pdf chart.
