This week: CCN reaches an all time low: Using Robots to make ghosts, a new low in regular features, clowns are scary..the facts, China has a really big laser, a big snake eats a man, the pros and cons of space travel with Virgin, Bill's documentary about Napster, more religious hoaxary, and much more.

Personnel –  Kim Monaghan, Ken Eakins, and Frater Isla


Using Robots To Make Ghosts Link
Vanessa Mae News - Link 
French Fucking Clowns! - Link 
China Builds a Laser Cannon to Emasculate the World Link
Thank God someone finally did this - Link
Still going ? - Link 
Downloaded -Link
Hoaxer Says Jesus Was Married Link
The Big Bud - Link
Occupy Democracy - Link 

Interludes The Queens Empire.

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