This week: Sans-Ken, our fearless heroes attempt (in vain) to push on through with a 'show' for you lucky listeners. Listen to them discuss: Baby Poop, Chef Liar, Pomegranate Batteries, Bangingbig with the Big Bang (yeah I went there), Solar Moon, Growing vegetables in space ...maaaaaan, Noah: Action hero. and Courtney Love: Plane finder.

Personnel –   Joe NolanFrater Isla, and Kim Monaghan

Baby Poop Sausage... Link
Chef Liar - Link Link
Hippy Watch: Pomegranate batteries - Link
Big Bang Proven - Link
Solar Energy From the Moon Link
Hippy Watch: NASA trying to grow vegetables in space - Link
Noah Kicked Ass - Link
Courtney Love: Plane spotter - Link

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