This Week: Pre-Italy Italian Pyramids, Anti-Blasphemy Laws Coming Soon, Free the old!, Robot Cancer Ass-Snakes, Nader Savers, Dawn of the Zombie Bees, Castration ftw!, Free Gary Johson...sort of, Bad Pharma, Ornette Coleman, and Pure Pwnage: Teh Movie. Personnel –   Joe Nolan, Nicholas Pell, and Ken Eakins [powerpress] Links

Etruscan Pyramids Found in Italy - Link
Anti-Blasphemy Laws Coming Soon to a Country Near You - Link
Free the Old! - Link
Science News: Robot Snakes to Fight Cancer, through...your...ass! - Link
Nader Calls Obama a “War Criminal” - Link
Dawn of the Zombie Bees Link
Want to live longer? Get Castrated! - Link
Gary Johnson Files Lawsuit to Get Into Debates - Link
Bad Pharma! Book preview/recommend from Boing-Boing Link
Pure Pwnage: Teh Movie - Link
Movie: Ornette Coleman: Made in America Link

