We may feel like Job sometimes, but we are not Job. That righteous man from Uz had no Scriptures - he would be the first writer of Holy Writ. He saw a distant Redeemer but didn't have any details about Jesus. And of course he didn't have the Spirit of Jesus living inside him. We likely have more encouraging friends, too! We have it a lot better than Job, even when we think we might have it worse. We've skipped to Chapter 28 for the second half of Jim's message, God Will Redeem Me.

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You can purchase a copy of this message, unsegmented for broadcasting and in its entirety, for $7 on a single CD by calling +1 (800) 984-2313, and of course you can always listen online or download the message for free.

RS03242022.mp3Scripture References: Job 19 & 28