Agnes Muljadi is a dancer, a social media influencer who works with different brands on their social media presence, and obsessed with having an eco-lifestyle.

I interviewed Agnes in her dance studio where she regularly practices ballet. You could tell that this place was a special one for her. This was her element and her escape. After the interview I was able to watch Agnes go through a full practice, her instructor was there still giving her pointers, but mostly looking proud as she went through the routine. As I continued to watch I noticed Agnes had a focus on her face that brought me back to something we had talked about during the podcast.

Agnes started ballet at a young age. It taught her tremendous dedication and focus, things that have continued to help her throughout her life. When she thinks of competition, she thinks of herself. Being a ballerina, you spend a lot of time looking at a mirror, constantly critiquing and fixing things. It’s important that we keep these things positive and healthy, but the focus is on building yourself up. It’s when we can take responsibility for our own actions that we can truly help ourselves become successful in whatever we want to accomplish.


Find Agnes Online:

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Facebook - @artsyagnes

Instagram - @artsyagnes

Twitter - @artsyagnes


Some Questions I Ask:

Do you feel like ballet hurt your friendships or social life? (05:22) How many principals from ballet are you able to translate to business? (07:34) How did your Instagram page grow to where it is now? (11:17) What is your process for managing your brand and everything on your schedule? (20:03) What tips would you give people on how to build your brand when first starting out? (23:42)


In This Episode, You Will Learn About:

Making yourself your biggest competition The upsides of homeschool and flexibility  The importance of warming up How to create a successful social media platform Consistency and the part it plays in success


Music Composed by John Zarcone

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