Autopilot is a big pitfall for business owners and anyone responsible for making decisions that affect themselves or others - which is most of us. We often don't take the time to figure out our own values, goals, desires and ways that we might reach them. That said, when we do shift into alignment with these parts of ourselves and move forward in our unique value, we win as only we can. 

Alan Andersen specializes in leadership; through his work as the Managing Director of the Shandel Group, an executive leadership organization, Alan has fine-tuned the process through which he walks leaders, teams and audiences to help them emerge with a crystal-clear view of their game and how to play it with incredible success.

On this episode of the Rigging the Game podcast, Dan and Alan lay out the four aspects of your life to examine in order to define and pursue your own definition of success, the questions to ask yourself that will help you collaborate with others who share your values, and the blueprint to help you determine your primary purpose (along with the reason why knowing that purpose will set you apart). This is an interview you can’t afford not to hear.

What You’ll Learn 

How to evaluate your business to lead well, add value to the market and confidently play the long gameWhat Forrest Gump teaches us about when to optimize vs. maximizeHow to develop your collaborative intelligence (and why it's part of a healthy sense of self-preservation)And much more!

Favorite Quote

“Figure out your strengths, figure out your potential blind spots, figure out what your uncommon advantage is, figure out what the game looks like for you, so that when you do get punched in the face - and you have a greater likelihood to stand and persist and be patient and move forward.”

- Alan Andersen

Connect with Alan Andersen: 


The Shandel GroupOn LinkedIn


How to get involved

Visit Dan Nicholson’s website - Nth Degree CPA’s and the Rigging The Game to learn how he helps small business owners cultivate good accounting and tax practices to achieve their financial goals. To rig the game to win and to set the outcomes that you want in life and business. Get the news that gets you closer to what you want with Certainty News.

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