Previous Episode: Asking And Receiving
Next Episode: Teach Us To Pray

Over and over we are told in Scripture that God does answer prayer. When we pray we are coming together with God to accomplish His plan, His purposes in this world in us and through us. Prayer changes things, but unfortunately many prayers go up, but yet actually accomplish anything. There are many that have said “prayer doesn’t work” I’ve prayed and prayed, but nothing has changed. So what is the problem. We know it can’t be God, because God is Holy, righteous, powerful. He is loving and good and it’s his desire to hear us and as we saw last week, since he didn’t spare his own son, he will graciously give us all things.

There are hindrances to prayer, I’m sure we all could come up with a list of things that may hinder prayers, but we will focus on the big three and we need to be aware of them so we can make sure our prayers are getting through to God.