Uber Lyft Drivers & Gig Economy Workers Weekly News:   So lets 'REARview' last year so we are not doomed to repeat it!   For the history books... World-wide fires and other environment problems flood the gates.   Impeachment trial of President Trump ends in January with his acquittal.   Trump orders the killing of an Iranian leader.    News emerging from WuHan China about a virus.    Biden emerges as Presidential nominee.   Silicon Valley becomes the new "norm" of EVIL corporate monsters!   Coronavirus spreading quickly in the East.   February/March stock markets falling.  Mid-March U.S. admits cases are here in country (probably months before).  New York City gets slammed with COVID19.    Ventilators become worth more than Gold.   United States and World goes into lockdown.   Gig-economy gets CRUSHED!   March 27th Congress enacts the CARESact to help Americans, including Gig workers.   Cruise Ships told to stay away from shore due to mass COVID19 outbreaks.   U.K. Prime Minister comes down with Coronavirus.   Americans waiting on one time stimulus checks and Pandemic aid allocated to all states by CARESact.   Trump suggests "bleach" could clean inside of people, DO NOT TRY THIS PEOPLE IN NO WAY DOES THIS WORK, hopefully you know this!   End April/May Pandemic Unemployment Assistance starts to roll out but states encountering tons of problems getting to those in need.   George Floyd KILLED by Minneapolis Police officer.   Protest begin.   Rioting starts soon after.   Black Lives Matter movement.   Social Distancing, Masks, and Cleaning hands becomes the 2020 mantra.   KAREN, Uhhhhhh!   Statues of slave owners and other negative affiliations start getting torn down around the country and other parts of world.   June, COVID19 is everywhere in the world, and NOBODY is on the same page regarding handling it?    Heard Immunity being tested in some places.    ZOOM.   Trump anti-mask rally's and Biden drive-in rally's.    Anti-maskers put the United States way behind in containing the virus.   End of July PUA ends with no extension being talked about or on the horizon.    California catches on fire as it does every summer, this year worse though.  Ruth Bader Ginsberg.   August, state Unemployment offices start clawbacks on PUA funds already spent by those who needed them, shocker!   President Trump tests positive for COVID19, days later goes on victory tour of rally's.    October surprise this year was politicians telling us to cancel the holidays and stay home, keep masks on, social distance, BUT then they all take their masks off and gather with families?   November 3rd, Election Day, took 5 days of crazy counting to get to a winner.   California AB5 gets wiped out by Proposition 22 as it regards to app-based delivery/rideshare platforms, BUT leaves other Independent Contractors screwed to the mercy of AB5.    Trump sues multiple states over the election, and anti-maskers take back to street to protest.  Early December 2 vaccines come out, neither of which have been tested to the standards of this country or any other it is being used in.    Nashville, Christmas, RV explodes outside AT&T building destroying much of a great and historical city.    Most countries in the world are helping their people out, and the U.S. is NOT doing a good job.   2021 can ONLY be better than last year!    Keep those masks on y'all !!!!!

Rideshare Rodeo Podcast is presented by UberLyftDrivers.com