Uber Lyft Drivers & Gig Economy Workers Weekly News:  This week we discuss the situation in Phoenix, the Death Traps Are Back!  Waymo, the self-driving unit of Alphabet, is back on the road in Arizona, with driverless vehicles available to Waymo One Customers who sign air-tight non-disclosures!   I also interview Gail Gordon, who is the Founder/Owner/Producer/Director of a non-profit Opera Company in Los Angeles.  Her business has been shut down, not due to the pandemic, due to AB5!   Our interview should be listened to not only by rideshare drivers and gig platform workers, but by every Independent Contractor in California and the rest of the country.   As we have discussed before on the podcast, all eyes are on California AB5/AB2257 and Proposal 22's outcome.   I think Gail really brings to light major flaws with AB5, so whether for or against this new law, give our interview a listen... there is a lot to be digested!

Rideshare Rodeo Podcast is presented by UberLyftDrivers.com