Uber Lyft Drivers & Gig Economy Workers Weekly News:  This week we discuss the two Lyft drivers who were shot in past 10 days, in both cases the shootings were done by drivers simply due to 'Road Rage'!   Uber Driver gets ping to take passengers from Bronx, NY to Vero Beach, FL, driver calls Uber to make sure taking this very long trip is okay, ...then, listen to the podcast for the answer.   After Uber was granted another 18 month stay allowing them to operate in London, some other news from the U.K. regarding rideshare made news:  Ola has been banned from London, Uber London begins "Fixed Pricing Model", Uber London is sharing all platform data with police.   Seattle becomes the 2nd city in the U.S. to pass a minimum pay rate for Uber and Lyft Drivers.   Lyft Pink Members (passengers) now get FREE delivery with all GrubHub orders, hmmm.   Uber providing free 'Food Trucks' on election day (November 3rd) at all voting locations in most big cities.  Allstate is now providing Rideshare and Gig workers "Commercial Auto Insurance" in 8 states to start.  Holding off on AB5 and California AB5 news until October 19th, since we have been discussing it a bit in recent weeks I figured I would hold off until the week before and after the election (unless there is some major news different from everything we know at this point).   Everyone get out and VOTE!   California voters, make sure you understand proposition 22 and vote on it!  Here is the official proposition 22 ballot measure, click the link and read the proposition as written, then vote... all states are watching to see how this plays out.  This will very much influence the future of gig workers and the platforms that provide them gigs!  See you next Tuesday on the Rideshare Rodeo Podcast!!!

Rideshare Rodeo Podcast is presented by UberLyftDrivers.com