Ride Bikes Radio 18: Look Better Naked

Hello 2017! Brian and I are back with some news, some shout-outs and some tips for the resolutioners that are maybe thinking about picking up cycling as their new get fit routine. Let's get to the links!

Blood Glucose Meter for iOS London Lorry Drivers Made to ride bikes Cool Bike Collection, and it's for sale! - You can check it out on eBay. Clean your water bottles! Careful if you are riding carbon fiber bikes.

If you are looking to get into riding bikes for exercise, Brian and I have a couple of suggestions to get you started.

Pure Cycles Ando Raleigh Redux

Both of these have 8 speeds, a comfortable, upright, riding position and the flexibility to go from exercise to running errands or commuting. If you are looking for a starter bike, we think these are great! Next time, we will be discussing basic equipment and clothing needs (aka kit), so stay tuned!

This week's show image courtesy of Brian, showing off his Surly Big Dummy! You can be featured here as well, just @ reply to Ride Bikes Radio on Twitter or Instagram, or upload an image to our Facebook page, and there is a really good chance you will be featured!