Previous Episode: Ep. 316: Law and Order
Next Episode: Ep. 318: Trump to Mexico

This week, another fair and balanced podcast we bring you quixotic Presidential candidate Evan McMullin. His campaign is a long shot, but his qualifications and demeanor are beyond reproach. Later, the WSJ's Bill McGurn joins the show. Among the members of the WSJ Opinion Page, Bill is the only pro-Trump columnist and he makes the case for his candidate in his typical straight down the middle of road style. Also, Ann Coulter finds herself in a touch spot, the University of Chicago mans up, and a Ricochet member contributes the new member pitch. We podcast, you decide.

Public service announcement: if you’re not a member of Ricochet and enjoy this podcast, be one of the 1,500 and join today.

Music from this week’s podcast:
The Impossible Dream by Richard Kiley, Original Broadway recording, Man of La Mancha

The brand new opening sequence for the Ricochet Podcast was composed and produced by James Lileks.

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This week, another fair and balanced podcast we bring you quixotic Presidential candidate Evan McMullin. His campaign is a long shot, but his qualifications and demeanor are beyond reproach. Later, the WSJ's Bill McGurn joins the show. Among the members of the WSJ Opinion Page, Bill is the only pro-Trump columnist and he makes the case for his candidate in his typical straight down the middle of road style. Also, Ann Coulter finds herself in a touch spot, the University of Chicago mans up, and a Ricochet member contributes the new member pitch. We podcast, you decide.

Public service announcement: if you’re not a member of Ricochet and enjoy this podcast, be one of the 1,500 and join today.

Music from this week’s podcast:
The Impossible Dream by Richard Kiley, Original Broadway recording, Man of La Mancha

The brand new opening sequence for the Ricochet Podcast was composed and produced by James Lileks.

Yes, you should absolutely subscribe to this podcast. It helps! And leave a comment too!

You're our Sancho Panza, EJHill.

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