Episode 47: Harold Hughes | Bandwagon CEO & Founder

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Rich Take On Sports

Show Notes:

Rich Spotlight: Harold Hughes

Parents are Jamaican immigrants and he was born in NYC and moved to Columbia, SC before entering kindergarten
He feels blessed to have been able to play sports which allowed him to connect with other kids
Spent a year in Jamaica before entering school in Columbia, SC and struggled with the transition back into America because of his accent and how he felt kids viewed him as dumb because they couldn’t understand him
Education became very important to him and he thought his path would eventually lead to being a lawyer after attending Clemson University
His career aspirations changed after working as a courier for a law firm and then receiving an offer to work at ScanSource in Greenville, SC
After receiving his MBA from Clemson while working it was then that he started to realize that he wanted to find something to marry his two passions of connecting with people and sports
He eventually started Bandwagon, a fan-t0-fan ticket marketplace, after being fired from a job unexpectedly and took the leap into entrepreneurship
Continuing his education and knowledge as he’s currently pursuing a graduate certificate in Entrepreneurship & Innovation from the Stanford University Graduate School of Business
Was motivated by people saying that you can’t do something but even more so to prove people right because they believed in him
Bandwagon is now being transformed into more than a sports tech company offering a fan-to-fan ticket marketplace but now into a stadium identity data management company using block-chain technology
Lessons learned from sports involves the understanding to always be ready when your name is called and the importance of being a contributor to the entire whole (team)
Words of Wisdom from Harold Hughes: “We all need to focus on collaboration and being transparent so you can get people to the table to hear your ideas and being comfortable to go in a different path and taking a risk.”

Social Media:

To Follow Rich Take On Sports on Twitter: @richtakesports

To Follow Harold Hughes on Twitter: @OneBandwagonFan

To Follow Bandwagon on Twitter: @BandwagonTix

To Follow Harold Hughes on Instagram: @haroldph

To Follow Bandwagon on Instagram: @bandwagonfanclub

To Find More Information about Bandwagon: bandwagonfanclub

Featured Image Photo Credit: Harold Hughes

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