Leon Pryce has had a rugby career most players can only dream of. He had a 19 year career in rugby league playing for teams including Bradford Bulls, St Helens, Hull FC and Catalan Dragons. He has had over 500 professional appearances scoring 192 trys, 25 caps for England and Great Britain and has won awards including young Player of the Year in 1999 and also achieved his big ambitions of becoming a Lance Todd Trophy Winner in 2007.

In this episode we talk about his experience of overcoming adversity when he was on trial for GBH and faces losing his career, reputation and everything he'd worked so hard for. We also discussed how he now practises daily gratitude, how we can help ourselves and others when we start to open up and communicate better, the importance of not being judgemental to others and the reality of achieving your dreams and importance of setting new goals to keep moving forward and striving to be the best version of you with a focused mindset.

We also touched on the pressures faced by young athletes and how they can deal with this, why you need to invest your money and not waste opportunities, his battles with alcohol, depression and suicidal thoughts and how he got the help he needed to come through his darkest times stronger and more positive than ever. 

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Rich In Success is a podcast hosted by cousins Matt Hall (actor/singer/multiple business owner) and Dan Ramsden (health & wellbeing coach). They are on a journey to define exactly what success is and how to implement this into your daily life. Each week they interview inspirational guests from all walks of life including successful sports people and famous actors to experts in health and millionaire business people.

Are you ready to learn, grow and take your quality of life to the next level? Join them on their quest of self discovery and learn from the best.

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