If you’re an entrepreneur looking to build your brand in today’s internet-powered world, you need a website and WordPress can help you do just that.

Today’s guest, Sara Obando, says it doesn’t matter how many followers and fans you have on social media—those are platforms that you don’t own. Should they disappear, your content and audience will disappear along with those platforms. A website, on the other hand, is something you uniquely own, and it serves as a hub for anyone who wants more information on you and/or your business.

Creating your own website is not as scary a prospect as most people imagine. Simply find a host (such as Wordpress or Squarespace), set it up, and you’re good to go. Using the services of a website builder that comes with a host—such as Bluehost—is even better.

Listen in as Sara offers advice on choosing the best website-creation platform for your needs, myths around Wordpress, teaching yourself to build a website when you’re not a techie, and determining which Wordpress plugins your website needs.


Wordpress Ready Go: Checklist and workbook filled with strategies for scaling your WP website. Included in the workbook are steps on how to implement Sara’s tips. Grow Together Mastermind: A community designed for budding entrepreneurs looking to build their brands as effectively as possible. Sara's Blog: A great place to get free educational information on how to use, set up, and audit your WordPress site!

Plugins Mentioned:

Woocommerce—for versatile ecommerce tools ConvertKit—for your mailing list ActiveCampaign—for your mailing list MailChimp—for your mailing list Tasty Pins—for optimizing your images for both SEO and Pinterest Yoast SEO—for all things SEO

Connect with Sara at:

Website: www.saraobando.com

Facebook: @saraobandoweb

Instagram: @saraobandoweb

Pinterest: @saraobandowebstudio