Guest Bio

Currently serving as CEO at ClickFunnels where he also held the positions of Chief Revenue Officer and Chief Business Development Officer, Dave Woodward is also host of the weekly Funnel Hacker Radio Podcast.  A proven business growth expert, Woodward’s prior experience includes serving as the President and Owner of Monopolize, Inc. and Regional Director of Americo.  He is a graduate of Brigham Young University where he earned a BS in Exercise Science and an MS in Exercise Physiology.


The scary reason why relying solely  on Facebook ads puts your company at risk of dying overnight -- and what your backup should be.

Why a tough love approach to your marketing budget in tough times like COVID shouldn’t be to make deep cuts and what you should do instead.

What the future of in-person industry conferences is and why you shouldn’t be afraid of it.

How to do product use challenges -- and why they helped ClickFunnels increase  retention rates by 30%

What the ultimate “proof of concept is” and why going after VC money without it is a recipe for disaster.


(Dave Woodward Linkedin)

(Click Funnerls Linkedin)

(Click Funnels Website)


Speaker 1 (00:00):

In this episode, we talk with Dave Woodward, the CEO of We talk about how they're spending 750,000 to a million dollars a month on paid media. Plus, we talk about payback period and the campaigns and the book funnels and how they ultimately relate to bringing more users onto the platform. If you're in B2B SAS, and you're looking to spend a ton of money on paid advertising, you're going to absolutely love this episode. Plus, we talk about payback period. We talk about debt VC, and ultimately how you start thinking about investing into marketing at the level and scale that click funnels is at. You'll also hear about an Epic fail. Uh, it's an amazing story. Uh, uh, a bit Dave is, is totally humbly, uh, sharing. I think you'll absolutely love the show enjoy,

Speaker 2 (00:43):

But the real key that we've noticed is yes, it takes a little bit longer to make that conversion from book to actual click funnels. But what we found is the indoctrination that takes place and the trust that exists because they've actually gone through and consume content makes the buyers so much better.

Speaker 3 (01:08):


Speaker 1 (01:08):

The rich and poor ed podcast, where we break down the financial principles that rich advertisers are deploying today to turn advertising into profit and get tons of traffic to their websites without killing their cash. These advertisers agencies, affiliates brands are responsible for managing over a billion dollars a year in ad spend. You'll hear about what's working for them today. They're rich ads and we'll roast their Epic failures and crappy ads on the internet with core ads. Let's get into it. Welcome to another episode of the rich dad. Poor ed podcast is your host sack Johnson. I'm with the one only DC Dillon carpenter. Hi, how are we doing today? We are doing good. And man, we got a good one today. I'm pumped legendary. It's it's the legendary, uh, gosh man, this guy has been a banner have been around. Um, but gosh, he's, he is a, he's kind of a big deal now he's this? He's the CEO over at, uh, over click funnels. I mean, um, just a couple of years ago was doing, uh, business development, but I think he's been, gosh, one of the longest standing, uh, relationships with the one and only Russell Russell Brunson over there. So I'm excited to have Dave Woodward on the show, Dave, you, my friend really don't need no introduction. So how are you doing, man?

Speaker 2 (02:22):

So it just stuck here. I'm doing fantastic. That was more than introduction than I needed. I'm just going to, but uh, let's go have some fun.

Speaker 1 (02:29):

Let's do it. I love it. I want to hear about this. Uh, you know, this is, this is a little past two, but this is the first time you're on the show. I want to hear I'm looking at your LinkedIn man. I want to hear the conversation of how you landed the CEO position over at click funnels.

Speaker 2 (02:51):

Um, so I've known Russell, gosh, probably I think 12 years now. Uh, actually I at the time had my own agency, that was a pre digital stuff is like 2007, 2008 and marketing agency in Southern California, where I lived at the time and ended up trying to feed. I had a client. My clients were primarily in the mortgage industry, banking, real estate investing, and they're all trying to figure out this whole online thing. And I'd heard of Russell before. I'd seen a couple of his things and thought, you know, I'm going to go figure this thing out. So I just went to a seminar that he and Stu McLaren, but not at the time was about affiliate marketing. And I remember they, they got up and started talking and Russell said, you know, if you'd like to take us out to lunch or dinner and pick our brain, you know, go ahead and go to backroom and sign up. So I ran to the back and signed up for every breakfast, lunch and dinner Russell had Started off actually just creating a great friendship and we become friends. And just honestly, one of my best friends in the world I've visited, loved working with him over the years. We've done a bunch of different projects together. Uh, some things worked, some things didn't and then when ClickFunnels came around, he asked, invited me to come on board as a partner and, and help things out. Uh, not Dickerson and Russell are the, the two co-founders of ClickFunnels, both introverts and I was the extrovert in the group basically. So, uh,

Speaker 1 (04:12):

That was how I

Speaker 2 (04:14):

Was brought in. I remember in fact, I think I was one of the first times I met you Zac at the time was probab...