Hello RMG Fam. This #IndependentMediaMonday we have as our guest the contributing editor of the Black Agenda Report Margaret Kimberley. We will discuss the "bamboozling" impact that Russiagate has had on recognizing the continued theft of the Black vote - as well as social media's corrosive effect on the Black left

Additionally Dr. Rhymes and Ms. Kimberley will dissect the US economic war on Venezuela. This promises to be an informative and insightful broadcast. So see you there; see you then.

Freedom Rider: Russiagate Covers Up Black Vote Theft: https://www.blackagendareport.com/freedom-rider-russiagate-covers-black-vote-theft

Freedom Rider: Social Media’s Danger to the Black Left: https://www.blackagendareport.com/freedom-rider-social-medias-danger-black-left

Freedom Rider: The United States Destroys Venezuela’s Economy: https://www.blackagendareport.com/freedom-rider-united-states-destroys-venezuelas-economy