This episode walks us through the initial research that paved the way for a game changing therapeutic in ANCA vasculitis, as well as the story of how host Adam J. Brown, MD, finally learned how to spell complement.

Brought to you by GSK. Considering a treatment change for patients with active SLE? Learn about a treatment option for your patients at

Intro :10 Welcome :21 Today’s episode :24 So how did we get there? 4:18 How do we start teasing apart the effect of the complement in ANCA vasculitis? 8:13 Discussing and simplifying the mouse model 9:00 Quickly reviewing the complement cascade 12:06

Brought to you by GSK. Consider the long-term impact of disease activity flares and corticosteroid use on patients with active SLE. Learn more now at

Taking the puzzle pieces away in the mouse model 17:04 What about the next steps? 22:05 What happens when you block C5a? 25:12 CCX168: Summing up the mouse tale 28:44 In the next episode 30:20 Thanks for listening 30:46

Disclosures: Brown reports no relevant financial disclosures.

We’d love to hear from you! Send your comments/questions to Dr. Brown at [email protected]. Follow us on Twitter @HRheuminations @AdamJBrownMD @HealioRheum


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