Season 4, Episode 10- Adopting new technology in your warehouse can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be! How can you tell when it’s time to take the leap and invest in new software solutions? RF-SMART customer Green Rabbit’s Gary Cifatte shares how his team found greater efficiency by embracing new inventory management solutions in their warehouse.

What You’ll Learn:

How Green Rabbit’s Chief Technology Officer determines when new technology is needed in the warehouse How a warehouse can better adapt to necessary process changes Why being open to supply chain optimizations is so important

Additional Resources:

Check out Green Rabbit: Green Rabbit Website

Learn about RF-SMART Shipping: Fast, Configurable, and Easy-to-Use

Read the Green Rabbit case study: Customer Story

Who You'll Hear:

Abby Bennett, Podcast Host & Content Marketing Specialist @ RF-SMART

Kevin Gaul, Shipping Product Manager @ RF-SMART

Gary Cifatte, Chief Technology Officer @ Green Rabbit